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Business Solicitors & Law | Insights and Updates


Shining a light on the cloud

Shining a light on the cloud

What's a cloud-first strategy and what are the implications? Stephen Brown explains how to adopt a cloud strategy and the options for delivering cloud-based technology
Empowering colleagues to say no

Empowering colleagues to say no

Rather than viewing the compliance function with scepticism, trust it as a fail-safe for individual judgement calls, argues Tracey Calvert
Facing pressure a client

Facing pressure a client

A conflict can easily arise when acting for both parties who reach an amicable agreement on separation, but solicitors must think ethically, says Mena Ruparel
The science of winning negotiations

The science of winning negotiations

Negotiating is about relationships but also about meeting needs, and her';s how understanding the background process can help, explains Dr Bob Murray
Managing client relations

Managing client relations

Customer relationship management systems are increasingly the beating heart of client engagement, says Stephen Brown
System and order: goodbye to Principle 8?

System and order: goodbye to Principle 8?

The principle that forced firms to move away from a tick-box approach to risk management is gone from the new Standards but it will endure in the new codes, says Tracey Calvert