10 Feb 2022Working from home: ensuring staff are properly trainedMatthew Kay presents strategies for effective training and communication for remote staff
9 Feb 2022Technology tamed: harmonising firm infrastructureNeil Lloyd reflects on how getting your firm's technology infrastructure right canhelp to grow your business
7 Feb 2022Embracing evolving technologies: Offering NFTs as legal adviceWill Foulkes explains Stephenson Law's unique concept of offering legal advice as a non-fungible token
1 Feb 2022Declaratory relief determined outside of scope of the doctrine of mergerPeter Ferrer, Andy Thorp and Olga Osadchaya consider the limitations of the doctrine of merger
1 Feb 2022After the horse has bolted: covid-19 and fraud preventionThomas Cattee considers how the covid-19 bounce back loan scheme may have been subject to fraud
12 Jan 2022White labelling: benefits, drawbacks and what to cover in the agreementPhil Parkinson explores white labelling and considers the key points to include in a white labelling agreement.
19 Dec 2021E-signatures: a case study in legal tech apathy?Jack Shepherd reflects on the evolution and increasing adoption of digital signatures in the legal sphere
18 Dec 2021Lawtech: the silver bullet to resolving legal needs of SMEsKid Harwood argues Lawtech is a crucial factor for helping small to medium-sized enterprises meet their legal needs.