4 Oct 2022Lawyers on boards: transforming from legal to leadersJeffery Tan presents the benefits of lawyers being included on company boards
4 Oct 2022The importance of client retentionJess Saumarez provides tips to boost your law firm's strategy through client retention
4 Oct 2022Enabling a successful legal tech rolloutJenny Hotchin argues understanding how lawyers actually work is an essential prerequisite of a successful legal tech rollout
21 Aug 2022The cost of neglecting mental healthJo Losty warns 'traditional' firms could lose out on top quality candidates due to concerns over wellbeing
21 Aug 2022Legal innovation: visionary, realist or just process improvement? Â Jack Shepherd examines different ways of adopting innovation in a firm.
19 Aug 2022Competition law: the correct approach to costs awardsSophie Lawrance and Manon Rattle assess a recent Court of Appeal judgment against Pfizer and Flynn that has significant implications for UK competition law
19 Aug 2022Challenge housing disrepair claims Ivan Goodsell looks at housing disrepair claims and why they are rising