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Matthew Evans

Matthew Evans

Partner, Hugh James


Follow their lead

Follow their lead

The legal ombudsman has taken steps to make the profession ?more accessible to clients, and practitioners should do the same, says Matthew Evans
A matter of life and death

A matter of life and death

Recording a client's final wishes stretches to organ donation for adults ?in Wales now the government has passed a new transplant bill, says Matthew Evans
Spending spree

Spending spree

What can happen potentially if a lay deputy does not appreciate or wilfully disregards the limits of their deputyship order authority? Asks Matthew Evans
Under the influence

Under the influence

Taking instructions for a will should be a straightforward ?process, but only if the client shares their true wishes, says Matthew Evans
In good health

In good health

Practitioners need to be aware of the impending deadline to register ?a claim of eligibility for NHS continuing healthcare, says Matthew Evans
Crime of the century

Crime of the century

Trying to cut the prison population while simultaneously starving it of legal representation is a short cut to catastrophe, writes Matthew Evans