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David Rhodes

David Rhodes

Head of Legal, Doughty Street Chambers


Cross purposes
Solicitors Journal

Cross purposes

Three or more people using or threatening violence in the same place do not need to be acting with a 'common purpose' to be found guilty of violent disorder, says David Rhodes
Quixotic endeavours
Solicitors Journal

Quixotic endeavours

Forcing a jury to provide reasons for its decision questions the right, embedded in the Magna Carta, to trial by jury, warns David Rhodes
Eye of the beholder
Solicitors Journal

Eye of the beholder

Conducting a trial without a jury will be a flawed process if judicial bias is seen to be a realistic possibility, says David Rhodes
All will be revealed
Solicitors Journal

All will be revealed

When is disclosing information about prosecution witnesses' previous convictions justified, asks David Rhodes
On yer bike
Solicitors Journal

On yer bike

Our constitutional rights are slowly being eroded by an increasingly managerial approach to criminal cases, says David Rhodes
When all hope is gone
Solicitors Journal

When all hope is gone

If a whole life sentence has no prospect of release then does this utimately amount to inhuman treatment of those receiving the sentence, asks David Rhodes
Life in crime
Solicitors Journal

Life in crime

David Rhodes discusses the fallibility of ear-print evidence as shown in R v Kemper
Life in crime
Solicitors Journal

Life in crime

Delays in Parole Board hearings might breach Article 5 ECHR and result in compensation claims, says David Rhodes