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Russell Conway

Russell Conway

, Oliver Fisher Solicitors


Something for nothing

Something for nothing

It's all very shiny and new, yes, but what does this National Pro Bono Centre actually do, asks Russell Conway
Attention seeking

Attention seeking

Law firms could learn a thing or two about communication from the church, says Russell Conway
Walk like an Egyptian

Walk like an Egyptian

With legal aid slipping through the looking glass, Russell Conway rallies the troops
Cold call

Cold call

Forcing clients to ring a helpline before they can access a solicitor will restrict choice and access to justice, warns Russell Conway
Top of the strops

Top of the strops

Rounding off another stellar year is Russell Conway, who scrabbles around for 2011's silver lining so you don't have to
Who you gonna call?

Who you gonna call?

The green paper post-mortem paints a bleak picture of what civil legal aid provision will look like if the MoJ gets its way. For firms intent on continuing to provide legal aid services, the proposed ten per cent fee cut will slice such a large chunk off their thin profit margins that their very existence will be in question, possibly leaving only large volume suppliers in that space. Some sectors are already predicting that practices will have to turn away half of their clients, making substantial restructures, redundancies and closures a distinct possibility. So, as firms begin to digest the details of the coalition's consultation on legal aid cuts, the worst hit offer a snapshot of what their services may look like come the revolution.
System meltdown

System meltdown

As cracks begin to appear in the legal aid scheme, how can firms plan for the future, asks Russell Conway