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Richard Barr

Richard Barr



A Norfolk solution to offshore investments

A Norfolk solution to offshore investments

Richard Barr encourages the world's 1 per cent to hide their fortunes in the East of England where it will be protected from investigative journalists by a short-sighted farmer and some messy swine
The case

The case

When a client's future rides on your shoulders, it's difficult not to take the case to heart, writes Richard Barr
The fickle 'hand of fate

The fickle 'hand of fate

Richard Barr contemplates a sliding doors ?moment for two Anglo-American romances ?back in the forties
Leave your phone at home day

Leave your phone at home day

Being without your mobile for 24 hours would suppress the need for instantaneous responses and stop Richard Barr from pocket dialling family across the pond
Waggle dancing

Waggle dancing

We should have had more head butts and waggle dances. If we had, the election result might have been very different, writes Richard Barr