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Simon Gibbs

Simon Gibbs

Partner and Costs Lawyer, Gibbs Wyatt Stone


Tangled up

Tangled up

Simon Gibbs tackles the proportionality riddle
Double entry

Double entry

Has Jackson really been too kind to insurers? Simon Gibbs does the sums
Show your working

Show your working

Costs budgeting may never be more than a minority sport, says Simon Gibbs
Pushing forward

Pushing forward

As the government goes full steam ahead with Jackson, Simon Gibbs brings us up to speed on the current case law ahead of wholesale civil justice reform
Update: costs

Update: costs

Simon Gibbs looks ahead to more dreaded VAT shifts and guides us through the latest thinking on costs against multiple defendants
Update: costs

Update: costs

Naming the wrong defendant on your CFA agreement can be a costly business, writes Simon Gibbs
Update: costs

Update: costs

Simon Gibbs considers the extent of a costs judge's discretion to go beyond a strict interpretation of the final costs order, and the 51st update to the Civil Procedure Rules
Fix or twist?

Fix or twist?

Is the fixed success fee system appropriate for asbestos claims or should there be a return to court assessment of success fees? Simon Gibbs provides a defendant perspective