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Richard Easton

Richard Easton

Solicitor, GT Stewart


Case in point | Is consummation a legal oddity?

Case in point | Is consummation a legal oddity?

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill excludes same-'sex marriages from nullification by non-consummation. But does the concept of consummation even have a place in modern society, asks Richard Easton
Case in point | The power of autonomy

Case in point | The power of autonomy

America may force-feed hunger-striking Guantánamo prisoners, but courts in England and Wales place a greater emphasis on self-determination. Richard Easton reports
Sadomasochism: Unleashed?

Sadomasochism: Unleashed?

Richard Easton asks whether popular erotica has left consenting adults with less recourse in law when sex games lead to unexpected consequences
Record breakers

Record breakers

Richard Easton predicts a fundamental overhaul ?of the criminal records system as the Supreme Court prepares to evaluate how records are kept in the face of recent disapproval from Strasbourg