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Lloyd Junor

Lloyd Junor

Partner, Adams & Remers


Head to head: accountants doing probate
Solicitors Journal

Head to head: accountants doing probate

As the one-year anniversary of the first accountancy firm being granted a probate license approaches, accountant Barry Jefferd and solicitor Lloyd Junor debate the effects of the change
Mutually assured
Solicitors Journal

Mutually assured

The court will consider all of the evidence at its disposal when considering the validity of mutual wills, even accounts of conversations, says Lloyd Junor
No exoneration
Solicitors Journal

No exoneration

Assuming that a committed relationship has established a 'common law marriag'; is likely to only have a bitter end, warns Lloyd Junor
Legal tensions
Solicitors Journal

Legal tensions

Common law and statutory tests of capacity are often in conflict, but recent case law in lifetime gifts offers welcome clarity, says Lloyd Junor
Creditor's rights
Solicitors Journal

Creditor's rights

This often problematic area of law means that creditors can be interested in an estate while having no interest in it, says Lloyd Junor
Presumed dead
Solicitors Journal

Presumed dead

The new Presumption of Death Act is a much-needed update that will bring clarity and relief to an inadequate area of law, says Lloyd Junor
Step change
Solicitors Journal

Step change

Broadening the class of applicants treated as a child of the deceased should bring about more inheritance claims, says Lloyd Junor
True meaning
Solicitors Journal

True meaning

It is now clear that courts look at wills as a contract when interpreting ambiguous or meaningless words and trying to ascertain intentions, says Lloyd Junor