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Carla Ditz

Carla Ditz

Associate, Family Law Bar Association


More 'Dear Sam' letters?
Solicitors Journal

More 'Dear Sam' letters?

Carla Ditz looks at the recent decision of Mr Justice Jackson in which he delivered his judgment in the form of a letter to a 14-year-old boy
Who's the daddy?
Solicitors Journal

Who's the daddy?

Carla Ditz revists the law on paternal responsibility and considers the legal implications as regards paternity in cases of twins with different fathers
The divorce diaries: Experiences shared
Solicitors Journal

The divorce diaries: Experiences shared

It is critical for practitioners to understand the emotional impact of divorce and separation as well as the legal implications, says Carla Ditz
Mediation matters in family disputes
Solicitors Journal

Mediation matters in family disputes

Carla Ditz looks at the current perceptions of mediation and why it remains largely unrecognised and perhaps underappreciated by couples as a means to resolve disputes
Child support: Mind the gap
Solicitors Journal

Child support: Mind the gap

Separating parents must consider future education costs as early as possible to avoid a lacuna in the law surrounding child support, explains Carla Ditz