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Where your donations go: making a real difference

Where your donations go: making a real difference


At The Solicitors' Charity, your contributions create meaningful change in the lives of solicitors and their dependants facing challenging times

Whether through one-time donations or your firm’s unclaimed balances, your support ensures access to essential services that enhance well-being and support during difficult periods.

Since 1858, the charity has focused on delivering physical, professional, emotional, and financial support to those in need. Here’s how your donations make a tangible impact:

Mental Health Support

Solicitors often encounter significant mental health challenges due to job pressures. Your contributions help fund specialist mental health services, including therapy sessions with qualified professionals. Organizations like Onebright Mental Health and Lawsight provide initial assessments, costing between £100 and £130, and ongoing therapy sessions, which can range from £65 to £130 each. A complete course of treatment typically costs between £1,000 and £1,500, and your donations ensure that no solicitor is left without support during tough times.

Physical Rehabilitation

Your support also extends to physical rehabilitation through access to Occupational Therapy (OT) services. These services help solicitors manage conditions resulting from illness, injury, or frailty. Sessions generally start at £150, allowing solicitors to receive the assessments and advice they need to lead fulfilling lives.

Financial Guidance

Financial pressures can affect anyone, especially solicitors. Thanks to your generosity, we provide access to Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) who offer guidance on critical issues like retirement planning and managing financial difficulties. These services can cost between £2,000 and £2,500, acting as a crucial lifeline during financial uncertainty. Your donations also fund welfare and benefits checks, helping families receive the financial assistance they deserve, with sessions costing between £250 and £360.

Career Coaching

For those navigating career transitions, your support funds personalized coaching services through providers like Renovo. These sessions, costing around £600 per individual, empower solicitors with the guidance they need to explore new opportunities and adapt to industry changes.

How You Can Help

There are various ways to support The Solicitors' Charity. You can make a one-off donation, set up regular contributions, or donate your firm’s unclaimed balances. Every contribution counts, making a positive difference in the lives of those in need.

Thank you for your continued generosity. Together, we’re fostering a supportive community for solicitors, ensuring they have access to the care they need when it matters most.

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