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Jean-Yves Gilg

Editor, Solicitors Journal

The Solicitors' Journal and Reporter – Saturday, January 3, 1857

The Solicitors' Journal and Reporter – Saturday, January 3, 1857


To celebrate its 160th year of publication, Solicitors Journal will showcase a piece from the archive every week in 2016

The object of this Company is to publish a new weekly Journal, to be called the "Solicitors' Journal and Reporter," which will be especially devoted to the interests of Solicitors.

The Solicitors Journal will contain a well-digested summary of the legal news of the week. It will devote some portion of its space to social and economical questions, to reviews and notices of new books, and to the proceedings of some of the principle scientific and literary societies, but will carefully avoid party politics and theology. It will especially comprise the following matters:-

  1. Bills in Parliament and New Statutes, Progress of Public and Private Business in Parliament, Reports and Returns, so far as peculiarly concerns the Profession.

  2. Discussion of Projects of Law Reform.

  3. Reviews of Legal and Literary Works.

  4. Articles on topics affecting the interests of the Profession, Legal Education, &c; Notes on the Law of Attorneys, Costs and Evidence; Decisions on the 5. Construction of Recent Statutes; and Observations on Points of Practice in Equity, Common Law, and Conveyancing.

  5. Proceedings of Professional Societies.

  6. Legal and General Obituary.

  7. Law Promotions and Appointments.

  8. Business of the Courts, Cause Lists, Sittings, and Circuits.

  9. Abstract of the Gazette.

  10. The Results of Sales of Estates, Reversions, &c.

In order to present the Subscribers with a good series of Reports adapted for practical use, an arrangement has been made with the Proprietors of the Weekly Reporter, by which the current number of that publication will form a portion of the weekly issue of the new paper. The Weekly Reporter will continue its own independent sale, and its Proprietors, Editors, and Reporters will not be responsible for the contents of the Solicitors' Journal.

The Shares have been fixed at £10 each, in order that a large body of Solicitors, to whom alone any Shares will be allotted, may become Shareholders. One-half of the Capital will be called up at once; and future Calls, if any should be required, will be made at intervals of not less than six months, and no Call will exceed £2 per Share. The general affairs of the Company will be administered by a Board of Directors, whose services will be given gratuitously until a dividend of £5 per cent. be paid. The promoters of this undertaking, however, desire to impress on their brethren in the Profession that a pecuniary return is with them a secondary object to the production of an influential Journal.

The Weekly Reporter commenced its current volume in November. The Directors, therefore, have made arrangements to supply subscribers to the Solicitors' Journal with the numbers of the Weekly Reporter issued during the months of November and December, so as to make the volume complete.

The price of the Solicitors' Journal, with the Weekly Reporter, will be One Shilling per week. The price of the Solicitors' Journal alone, will be Eightpence per week. At these prices subscribers paying in advance will be supplied post-free.

The Subscribers will, therefore, for £2 12s. a year, obtain a journal of general legal information, a series of established Reports, a complete Annual Digest of Cases., and all Statutes of practical importance to Solicitors.

The Subscription for the first year, ending in November, 1857, for the Solicitors' Journal from January 3rd, 1857, including the Weekly Reporter from the 8th of November, 1856, will be £2 8s.

The Solicitors' Journal and Reporter will be published every Saturday Morning in time for the early trains. SJ