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Daniela Korn

Head of Employment, Tan Ward

Praveen Bhatia

Co-Founder, Tan Ward

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It's essential to prioritise self-care and set clear boundaries

Quiet quitting: the rise of a subtle resignation trend in modern workplaces

Quiet quitting: the rise of a subtle resignation trend in modern workplaces

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With the latest State of the Global Workforce 2024 report from Gallup highlighting that a whopping 90% of the UK workforce feel disengaged at work and are “quiet quitting,” leading employment lawyers Daniela Korn and Praveen Bhatia of media law firm Tan Ward take a closer look at this growing trend and its impact on businesses

In recent years, a new workplace phenomenon known as "quiet quitting" has been making waves across the corporate world. This subtle form of resignation sees employees stepping away from their roles without the usual fanfare or dramatic exit. Instead, they choose to quietly disengage and transition out of the company without drawing attention to their departure.

While this may seem like a subtle approach to leaving a job, the implications for employers are profound,” comments Daniela Korn, Head of Employment and co-owner at Tan Ward. “When employees disengage from their current roles without making a formal resignation, it creates challenges for employers to detect and address the underlying issues.”

According to Praveen Bhatia, CEO and co-owner at Tan Ward, there has been a notable increase in employees opting for the quiet quitting approach, particularly among the younger generation. "Millennials and Gen Z employees are more likely to pursue this method as they seek new opportunities that align with their values and aspirations," notes Praveen. This generational shift reflects a changing attitude towards work-life balance and career fulfilment.

By embracing the changing dynamics of the modern workforce, organisations can build a culture of mutual respect and understanding that benefits both employees and employers. Praveen adds, "Quiet quitting may mirror evolving attitudes towards work and the desire for a more seamless transition out of a role." She advises companies to focus on fostering a positive work culture that encourages honest dialogue and provides support for employees during transitions. Similarly, Daniela suggests that employers focus on creating a work environment that promotes engagement and retains talent. "Providing professional development opportunities, recognising achievements, and offering flexibility are key factors in keeping employees motivated and committed," she adds.

As the trend for quiet quitting continues to gain momentum, it is crucial for companies to adapt their employee engagement strategies and create a supportive environment that encourages clear communication and transparency. “Employers must pay close attention to the signs of quiet quitting, such as decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and lack of enthusiasm,” says Daniela. She further emphasises the importance of maintaining open lines of communication with employees to prevent misunderstandings or potential legal issues, stating, "Employers should be attuned to signs of disengagement and address them proactively to avoid any negative consequences."

Both lawyers agree that to counteract the quiet quitting trend, employers should focus on creating a positive work environment, offering competitive benefits, and investing in professional development opportunities. They further recommended implementing regular check-ins and feedback mechanisms to stay connected with employees and gauge their job satisfaction. “By demonstrating a genuine interest in employee growth and wellbeing, organisations can increase loyalty and reduce turnover rates effectively,” adds Praveen.

Employees who find themselves contemplating quiet quitting are advised to first evaluate their reasons for wanting to leave. "Before making any decisions, it's important to communicate openly with your manager about your concerns and explore potential solutions," comments Daniela. She also suggests discussing concerns with a trusted colleague, seeking mentorship, or exploring internal opportunities for growth before making a final decision. “It's essential to prioritise self-care, set clear boundaries, and maintain communication with managers throughout the process,” she adds. Praveen also highlights the significance of seeking growth opportunities within the organisation or considering external options that better suit one's career goals.

In a time where the traditional norms of the workplace are shifting, understanding and adapting to trends like quiet quitting is crucial for both employers and employees alike. By fostering a culture of transparency, empathy, and support, organisations can create a more engaged and loyal workforce while individuals can navigate their career paths with confidence and purpose.