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Northern Ireland law firm contracted for independent review

Northern Ireland law firm contracted for independent review


Legal Services Board in collaboration with Carson McDowell, Initiates Independent Review of Axiom Ince Intervention

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has announced its decision to conduct an independent review concerning the sequence of regulatory events that led to the intervention by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) into Axiom Ince. Acknowledging the substantial consumer detriment associated with this case, the LSB believes that establishing an independent assessment will play a crucial role in reinstating both public and professional trust. The primary objective is to identify crucial insights impartially and base conclusions solely on an objective evaluation of the facts.

Scheduled for publication in January 2024, the comprehensive terms of reference for this independent review will outline the scope and direction of the investigation. The LSB aims to unveil the review's findings by spring 2024.

Carson McDowell, a law firm situated in Northern Ireland and not regulated by the SRA, will collaborate with the LSB in conducting this critical evaluation.

Expressing gratitude towards the SRA for its expressed commitment to extend complete cooperation during the review, the LSB aims to ensure a comprehensive, impartial, and fact-based analysis of the events preceding the SRA's intervention into Axiom Ince.