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Non-executive chair reappointment at GAD

Non-executive chair reappointment at GAD


The Government Actuary’s Department has reappointed Les Philpott as Non-Executive Director and Management Board Chair for three more years

Les Philpott brings extensive experience to the role, having served in various non-executive positions across public, private, and charitable sectors. His previous roles include:

  • Chief Executive at the Office for Nuclear Regulation
  • Senior Positions at the Health and Safety Executive

With a robust background in public management, Les has dedicated over eleven years to leadership in regulatory environments.

Comments on the Reappointment

Fiona Dunsire, the Government Actuary, praised Les’s impactful presence on the Board, stating, “With his business understanding and non-executive director experience at chair level, Les has been an insightful and inspirational presence.”

Les expressed his pride in continuing his role at GAD, emphasising his commitment to advancing the department’s strategic objectives.

Tenure Details

  • Term Duration: Les will serve as Non-Executive Chair for an additional three years, concluding in September 2027.
  • Appointment Process: This reappointment aligns with the Governance Code on Public Appointments, ensuring that all selections are based on merit.
  • Political Activity: Les has confirmed that he has not engaged in any political activity in the past five years.

Les Philpott’s reappointment reflects the Government Actuary’s Department’s commitment to strong leadership and governance. His experience will be vital as GAD navigates its future initiatives and strategies.