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New guide to help MPs improve lawmaking and protect the rule of law

New guide to help MPs improve lawmaking and protect the rule of law


Law for Lawmakers guide is released to equip MPs with essential legal knowledge, ensuring effective lawmaking and rule of law protection

JUSTICE has published an updated Law for Lawmakers guide aimed at equipping a record number of new MPs with the legal and constitutional knowledge necessary for their roles. This guide seeks to enhance lawmaking, reset relations between the government and legal professions, and protect the rule of law amid concerns of its recent erosion.

The Law for Lawmakers guide, starting distribution to all new and returning MPs today, provides crucial support to MPs tasked with addressing major challenges within a complex Parliamentary system. By offering comprehensive guidance on democratic and evidence-based lawmaking, the guide assists MPs in navigating their responsibilities effectively.

The release of this guide follows significant controversies including the Rwanda policy, the proroguing of Parliament during Brexit debates, and the limited scrutiny of new laws during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such issues contributed to Civicus Monitor downgrading the health of the UK’s civic sphere to ‘obstructed’ last year. With the government’s extensive legislative agenda, the guide aims to help new MPs quickly understand their roles and responsibilities.

Attorney General, Lord Richard Hermer KC, stated: “Serving in government is a privilege that carries huge responsibility. As we face this challenging path and navigate complex decisions, I am clear about our mission to protect and promote the rule of law. This guide is an incredibly useful resource in introducing some of the key legal and constitutional principles which lawmakers will encounter. I sincerely hope it will encourage debate and conversation on how law and politics can work together in harmony.”

Former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Rt Hon Alex Chalk KC, added: “The rule of law isn’t an airy, quaint, historic notion – it’s the essential underpinning of a modern, safe, prosperous, and fair society. It’s what ensures the guilty are convicted and the innocent walk free. It’s what ensures injustices are put right even when the wrongdoer is powerful. And it’s what promotes Britain's international reputation and attracts investment. But the world of the law, of bewigged judges and judicial review, can feel like a secret garden to MPs – to new ones in particular. This excellent guide gives them the key.”

Fiona Rutherford, Chief Executive of JUSTICE, emphasized: “The rule of law means we all benefit from and answer to the same rules. It is the foundation of our democracy, protecting us from arbitrary state power, providing certainty for businesses, and safeguarding courts’ impartiality. But where the rule of law is badly eroded, the results – rushed, poorly scrutinised new laws, and threats to judicial independence, for example – hurt us all. This guide serves to repair the cracks in the UK’s political foundations by giving every MP the tools they need to act as custodians of our democracy.”

Andrew Denny, Head of UK Public Law at A&O Shearman, commented: “The rule of law and good lawmaking underpin our democracy and are crucial to the UK economy and to society as a whole. Accordingly, it’s a great pleasure for A&O Shearman to support JUSTICE in creating the updated Law for Lawmakers guide. 51% of MPs are sitting in Parliament for the first time so this guide couldn’t be more relevant.”

In addition to the guide, JUSTICE will provide training opportunities and clinics for MPs and their staff over the coming months. With a history of scrutinizing lawmaking and developing pragmatic solutions to strengthen the rule of law, JUSTICE frequently contributes to Parliamentary debates and provides evidence on justice issues to committees.