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March leads as the most popular month for divorce, with over 10,170 cases filed last year alone

March tops divorce filings, busting January myth

March tops divorce filings, busting January myth


March leads as the most popular month for divorce, with over 10,170 cases filed last year alone

Research from TWM Solicitors reveals that March, not January, consistently sees the highest number of divorce filings, with an average of 11,730 divorces each March over the last 20 years. This dispels the long-held belief that January, often dubbed "Divorce Month," is when couples rush to separate following the holiday season.

The Reality Behind Divorce Timing

Contrary to popular belief, January sees lower-than-expected divorce numbers, averaging 9,880 per year—below the monthly average of 10,494. While some people do consider divorce after the holiday period, the decision to officially file for divorce typically takes time. Couples often consult with legal professionals and weigh their options before making a final decision, pushing many filings into spring.

Caroline Keeley, Partner and Head of Family Law at TWM Solicitors, explained, "It is a myth that families argue over Christmas and decide to divorce immediately in the new year. Discussions often begin months earlier, but the decision to proceed is rarely spontaneous."

Debunking "Divorce Day" in January

The notion of "Divorce Day" on January 2, popularised by the idea that couples clash during the holidays and rush to divorce, is misleading. According to Keeley, this stereotype may even deter some couples from filing in January to avoid the stigma of being seen as rushing into a divorce.

Trends in Divorce Filings

TWM’s analysis also shows that December is the least popular month for divorces, with only 5,920 cases filed in December 2023—far below the 20-year average of 7,890. October ranks as the fourth most common month, averaging 10,980 divorces.

An exception occurred in 2022 when April saw a surge in divorce filings, with 12,319 cases. This spike was attributed to the introduction of "no-fault divorce" legislation on April 6, allowing couples to part ways without assigning blame.

As TWM’s findings reveal, the process of divorce is far more deliberate and strategic than the holiday-driven rush many assume, with March now firmly established as the peak month for divorce filings.