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Legal Services Board supports bar review

Legal Services Board supports bar review


The Legal Services Board emphasises systemic changes to combat bullying and harassment in the legal profession

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has formally responded to the independent review of bullying and harassment at the Bar, led by Baroness Harman KC. The LSB expressed strong support for the review, underscoring the severity of misconduct within the legal profession and calling for systemic change to tackle entrenched cultural issues.

In its letter dated September 27, 2024, the LSB highlighted research showing significant levels of bullying, harassment, and misconduct across the legal sector. This behavior not only affects barristers but also extends to the broader legal profession, according to findings from organisations such as LawCare and the Bar Council.

The LSB noted that the problem is particularly acute for underrepresented groups, with women and racially minoritised lawyers disproportionately affected by bullying and harassment. The organisation referenced its 2023 qualitative study, which explored the barriers to entering and advancing within the legal profession, especially for marginalised groups. The report pointed to structural and cultural problems, including discrimination based on sex, ethnicity, and socio-economic background, which have tarnished the profession's reputation.

A key concern raised in the letter is the impact of inappropriate conduct not just on individuals but also on clients, the justice system, and public trust in the legal sector. The LSB is collaborating with stakeholders to ensure that high standards of professional ethical conduct are upheld. It is also investigating the misuse of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to cover up misconduct and silence victims.

As the oversight regulator of legal services in England and Wales, the LSB emphasised its commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within the profession. Chief Executive Craig Westwood acknowledged that, while progress has been made, more disruptive and targeted action is needed to create a fairer and more inclusive legal environment. The LSB is developing new regulatory guidelines and expects to consult on them in the coming months.

The independent review of bullying and harassment at the Bar is seen as a vital step in challenging the profession and identifying ways to address these issues. The LSB has offered its insights and evidence to assist the review and expressed hope that the findings will lead to meaningful change.