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Legal aid fee dispute dismissed by High Court

Court Report
Legal aid fee dispute dismissed by High Court


High Court dismisses appeal over legal aid fee categorisation in a case involving controlling behaviour and drug possession


The High Court's Senior Courts Costs Office recently dismissed an appeal concerning the categorisation of legal aid fees under the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013. The appeal was brought by Liberty Solicitors, representing Paul Goudie, who faced multiple charges including assault occasioning actual bodily harm, non-fatal strangulation, controlling and coercive behaviour, and possession of Class C drugs.

The Appeal

The appeal centred on the classification of the controlling and coercive behaviour charge for the purposes of calculating the graduated fee under the Litigators Graduated Fee Scheme. Liberty Solicitors argued that this charge should be categorised under Class J, which pertains to serious sexual offences, rather than Class C, as determined by the assessing officer.

Legal Framework

Under the Criminal Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013, fees are calculated based on the classification of offences listed in the Table of Offences. Where offences are not explicitly categorised, they default to Class H unless reclassified by the determining officer. Liberty Solicitors sought a reclassification to Class J, arguing that the conduct in question amounted to a serious sexual offence.

Arguments Presented

Colin Wells, representing Liberty Solicitors, presented arguments that the controlling and coercive behaviour involved serious sexual threats, warranting a higher classification. The appeal cited police reports and victim statements to support the claim that the conduct was sexual in nature.

Court's Analysis

Costs Judge Rowley examined the nature of the threats and the context of the relationship between Goudie and the victim. The judge noted that while some threats were sexual, they were primarily about exerting control within an intimate relationship, rather than constituting serious sexual offences as defined by the Regulations.


The court concluded that the determining officer's classification of the controlling and coercive behaviour as Class C was appropriate. The judgment emphasised that the threats, though serious, did not meet the threshold for reclassification to Class J.


This ruling clarifies the approach to categorising offences involving controlling and coercive behaviour in the context of legal aid fee assessments. It underscores the importance of considering the overall context of the offences and the guidance provided by the Legal Aid Agency.


The dismissal of the appeal highlights the court's adherence to established guidelines and the necessity of a clear demonstration of the nature of offences for reclassification. This case serves as a precedent for future disputes over legal aid fee categorisations.