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Leading organisations urge Samherji to drop lawsuit against artist Odee

Leading organisations urge Samherji to drop lawsuit against artist Odee


More than 25 whistleblowing and free expression organisations are calling on Samherji, one of Europe’s largest fishing companies, to drop its legal action against Icelandic artist Oddur Eysteinn Friðriksson, known as ODEE

ODEE, an Icelandic visual artist, is being sued by Samherji for alleged unauthorized use of its website and brand in his artwork, which highlights alleged corruption linked to the #Fishrot Scandal in Namibia. The case, being heard in the High Court in London on 25 and 26 September 2024, could leave ODEE facing legal fees of over £500,000.

The lawsuit stems from a 2019 whistleblowing case, in which Jóhannes Stefánsson revealed corrupt practices in securing fishing quotas in Namibia, involving Samherji. ODEE’s works have since drawn attention to these issues, prompting legal retaliation from the company.

Twenty-seven organisations advocating for whistleblowing and artistic freedom have united in support of ODEE. They argue that whistleblowers and artists share a common mission of exposing wrongdoing and holding those in power accountable, emphasizing the importance of freedom of expression in addressing political, social, and economic issues.

The collective plea calls on Samherji to respect artistic expression and drop its punitive legal action.

photo - Davíð Þór Guðlaugsson