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Law firms embrace part-time training

Law firms embrace part-time training


Hill Dickinson joins Project Rise, increasing part-time solicitor training opportunities for diverse backgrounds in the legal sector

The Law Society of England and Wales’ Disabled Solicitors Network has welcomed Hill Dickinson as the latest firm to join Project Rise. This initiative aims to expand part-time solicitor training within the legal profession, offering more accessible routes to qualification for individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Law Society president Nick Emmerson expressed his enthusiasm: “I am delighted to welcome Hill Dickinson to Project Rise. They have committed to offering all successful candidates the opportunity to train on a part-time basis, providing more accessible routes to qualification for people from diverse backgrounds.”

With Hill Dickinson’s participation, six firms are now part of Project Rise. Emmerson encouraged more firms to join, highlighting the importance of offering varied training opportunities to aspiring solicitors who may be unable to train full-time due to disabilities, caring responsibilities, or other reasons.

Project Rise has broadened part-time training options, including traditional training contracts, solicitor apprenticeships, and the Solicitors Qualifying Exam. The initiative is also open to in-house teams that offer training, with ongoing discussions about potential new participants.

Firms already in Project Rise report a growing interest in part-time training. One firm noted that 20% of recent applicants expressed a desire to train part-time. Recent legal changes have facilitated flexible working opportunities, making it beneficial for firms to establish such practices proactively.

A participating firm now boasts 30% part-time work across all employee levels. Project Rise allows organisations to share best practices on flexible working, benefiting both employees and clients.

Carolyn Morgan, chief people officer at Hill Dickinson, shared her pride in joining Project Rise. She emphasised the alignment of the initiative’s goals with Hill Dickinson’s inclusive culture. “As part of widening access, we are already supporting our people to work flexibly and have already seen a number of individuals complete their training contracts with us part-time and successfully qualify as associates,” Morgan stated.

Project Rise continues to foster a more inclusive and diverse legal profession by promoting flexible and part-time training opportunities.