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Knights' commitment to community: Thousands of hours supporting causes

Knights' commitment to community: Thousands of hours supporting causes


Knights each dedicate 4 working hours monthly, raising £140,000, aiding various charities and community initiatives

In the past year, Knights, a professional services business, has demonstrated its dedication to social responsibility by investing thousands of working hours in supporting charitable causes nationwide. Through their '4 Our Community' (4OC) program, every employee is encouraged to allocate four working hours each month to contribute to causes close to their hearts.

This collective effort by Knights' colleagues resulted in over 2,000 working hours being channelled into community initiatives, such as foodbank support, care home volunteering, toy appeals, pro-bono legal aid, and more. Looking forward to 2024, Knights plans to further expand these commitments.

David Beech, CEO of Knights, highlighted the significance of community involvement, expressing pride in the team's collective efforts across their 23 offices in 2023. The festive season saw Knights' volunteers engaged in various charitable activities, from setting up art exhibitions in Brighton to organizing Christmas events and supporting Age UK lunches.

Throughout the year, teams undertook remarkable challenges like scaling the Three Peaks and engaging in regular litter-picking initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to causes like the Bridge Community Wellness Gardens in Cheshire and supporting the OxClean initiative in Oxford.

Notably, efforts extended to unique initiatives like stuffing knitted Easter eggs to aid the Francis House Children’s Hospice's Easter Chick Appeal in Manchester.

David emphasized the importance of individual contributions, stating that Knights is proud of its teams coming together to support local causes, thereby fostering relationships and making a positive impact on their communities.