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Nicola Laver

Editor, Solicitors Journal

Kingsley Napley is king again

Kingsley Napley is king again


For the third consecutive year, Kingsley Napley has kept its crown as best UK law firm in this year’s Sunday Times survey of best companies to work for.

Overall, it was ranked 26th best company to work for, down from 16th place last year.

The rankings of the Sunday Times annual survey were based on the results of a detailed firm-wide employee survey probing areas including leadership and management, and levels of commitment and engagement to the firm.

The survey also covered pay and benefits, personal well-being, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and feelings towards colleagues.

Kingsley Napley has 412 members of staff with women occupying 26 senior roles – 10 more than men.

Core values identified at the practice included teamwork, respect and fairness.

The survey found that 98 per cent of staff agree that the firm encourages charitable activities; 91 per cent say it is “run on strong values/principles” and 93 per cent said they felt proud to work at the firm.   

Kingsley Napley’s managing partner Linda Woolley praised the firm’s ranking as “a tremendous result”.

She commented: “Our long-standing ranking in the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work For list, where we have featured now for seven years, is something I am immensely proud of and is a great validation from staff that Kingsley Napley’s culture is appreciated.

“I am also incredibly pleased that we are ranked the leading law firm for a third year, standing out from our peers for our diversity, charitable initiatives and tight-knit, friendly environment.”

The said the result “is a testament to our whole team, and sends a strong message to potential recruits and to our clients”.

The overall best firm rankings also featured Manchester-based JMC Solicitors, one of the largest law firms in the northwest, ranked at number 33; and Stewarts at 48.

Newly ranked firms were Leicester-based Howes Percival (65) and Brabners in Liverpool (70).

Leeds-based Clarion was ranked number 8 in the best small firms category; with Nockolds Solicitors in Bishop’s Stortford rising to number 34 (up nine places since last year).

The full rankings can be found here.