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Jason Evans, Director of Factor 8, responds to the House of Commons' statement on infected blood compensation

Jason Evans, Director of Factor 8, responds to the House of Commons' statement on infected blood compensation


Responding to the House of Commons statement on Infected Blood Compensation by Paymaster General John Glen, Jason Evans, Director of Factor 8, expressed a mix of cautious optimism and significant concern

"We welcome the news today that Sir Robert Francis KC has been appointed as the interim chair of the Infected Blood Compensation Scheme and that living infected victims will receive further interim payments of £210k. However, we are deeply confused as to why there has been total silence on when and how interim payments will be made to the estates of those who have died. Most bereaved families have yet to receive any compensation and have received no timescale today on interim payments."

Jason Evans highlighted the government's previous announcement on April 17, which stated that interim payments of £100k would be made to the estates of those who had died. These payments were to be processed through existing support schemes. Yet, these schemes are currently unable to accept applications for these payments. Today's statement offered no confirmation of when this capability will be available and no assurance of legal assistance in making these applications.

"The government has confirmed that for those who die between now and when the further £210k interim payment is paid to those infected still living, the payment will be made to their estates. This is welcome."

Despite this positive step, Jason Evans noted that the announcement has inadvertently created a new disparity. Some estates might receive a total of £310k in interim payments by the summer, while most others have received nothing.

"The community requires urgent clarification on these matters. Today's announcement will be a gut-punch to most bereaved families, who have still received no compensation at all."

In conclusion, Jason Evans stressed the need for careful consideration of the compensation tariffs before commenting on the final compensation payments, underscoring the urgency for the government to address these critical gaps promptly.