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Government launches Independent Review into the Disclosure Regime and Fraud Offences

Government launches Independent Review into the Disclosure Regime and Fraud Offences


Jonathan Fisher KC to Chair Independent Review

The Government has announced today that as part of its strategy in combatting fraud, Jonathan Fisher KC will Chair an Independent Review into the efficiency and effectiveness of the disclosure regime in criminal cases and whether current fraud offences meet the challenges of prosecuting modern fraud.

There has not been an independent review of fraud since 1986. Since that time, the nature and scale of fraud has evolved considerably, now constituting over 40% of all offences in England and Wales. As the proportion of online-enabled fraud has increased, so have the challenges facing investigators and prosecutors. 

For further details, the Government’s Press Release can be found here.

Alongside the Independent Review, Jonathan’s busy client practice continues. Jonathan is a leading King’s Counsel in Financial Crime, Proceeds of Crime, Fraud (Civil and Criminal), and Tax (Corporate and VAT) cases. He practices from Red Lion Chambers in London. Additionally, Jonathan Fisher KC holds a PhD from LSE where he teaches LLM students as a Visiting Professor in Practice.