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Hannah Gannagé-Stewart

Deputy Editor, Solicitors Journal

Fly on the wall: should your firm try live video streaming?

Fly on the wall: should your firm try live video streaming?


Broadcasting your event live showcases your credentials and builds a direct rapport with potential clients, says Karla Alexander

The knowledge and expertise at the heart of law firms is the reason clients buy their services, and this insight has always been what’s set them apart.

Now, technology enables law firms to spread that knowledge further. Think of the rise of the legal podcast in recent years, which has acted as a springboard for many law firms to extend their reach.

Similarly, live streaming video is an innovative and high-tech way of both amplifying your firm’s expertise and developing the brand, because it directly engages and interacts with those receiving the stream – in this case potential clients.

In practice, it means lawyers can live stream via social media from a conference or seminar they are attending.

An engaged client can then be fed information they wouldn’t necessarily be exposed to, and provide a greater transparency to the legal process.

Lawyers can then chat with clients via the channel, to increase accessibility and prove that their firm is at the cutting edge, constantly upskilling.

A few of the larger law firms such as Linklaters and Clifford Chance have used live streaming video, and continue to innovate in their use of technology.

Yes, these larger firms have the resources, but more than that they want to be seen as industry leaders and they know video marketing and especially live streaming, is a somewhat untapped opportunity within the legal sector.

Apart from the clear brand building capabilities of live streaming video – establishing trust with your audience and gaining a reputation for using innovative channels – there is the fact that it is a very personal way to interact with potential and existing clients.

Improving personalisation

Finding new ways to tackle and improve personalisation is one of the biggest focuses within marketing, and has been for a number of years.

Live streaming is an effective way to put a face to otherwise impersonal content; your firm’s personality will shine more brightly in a live conversation than in a written blog post or even a scripted video.

Live streaming video can create its own revenue too. If you broadcast an event – a conference for instance – you have the option to gate it to collect contact details for business development purposes or charge a fee to view.

Even if it might seem that lawyers are sharing their expensive time and sought after insights for free, this activity will attract important and valuable followers to your firm.

Live streaming instills a sense of urgency. Broadcasting a one-off event from your London office means only those either at the event or watching the stream can benefit.

On the other hand, if viewers can access video content whenever they wish, it becomes a passive act to watch it.

Live streaming content that is highly relevant can also have a snowball effect in terms of social proof.

If a stream has attracted hundreds of viewers, anyone not part of that will feel like they are missing out. What started as a big crowd will draw an even bigger crowd.

This is only the beginning for live streaming video, and the opportunities that will arise can only be guessed at.

Think of the time before banking or driver-partner ride sharing apps were available, and how we have come to depend on them.

Clients will come to expect firms to be instantly available via live streaming video or otherwise, and now is the time to take advantage of it while it’s in its infancy.

Tips for live streaming video

Invite a journalist or influencer to interview the firm’s partners or leaders. Broadcast the session on social media and start a live conversation or Q&A with viewers to boost engagement.

Ask for questions or ideas from your audience before the live stream begins to create a buzz, secure engagement, and make the most of your viewers’ time while you have it.

Be honest and transparent and don’t be afraid to show it. Live video can’t be edited so your audience is getting the information in its rawest form – uncut and uncensored.

Broadcast your stream on as many social platforms as you can, to reach the widest possible audience.

Karla Alexander is brand manager at Propero Partners