First Steps Together Ltd's appeal against pension penalties dismissed

Tribunal dismisses First Steps Together Ltd's appeal against penalties imposed by The Pensions Regulator
Background of the Case
The First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) recently delivered its decision on the appeal by First Steps Together Ltd against penalties imposed by The Pensions Regulator. The case involved fixed and escalating penalty notices issued due to the company's failure to comply with its auto-enrolment duties under the Pensions Act 2008.
Legal Context
Under the Pensions Act 2008, employers are mandated to enrol eligible employees in a pension scheme and provide a declaration of compliance to The Pensions Regulator. Failure to comply can result in a fixed penalty notice of £400 and an escalating penalty notice if the non-compliance persists.
The Appeal
First Steps Together Ltd, represented by its director Matthew Bonilla, contested the penalties, arguing that they had not received the relevant notices due to address changes and that their accountants were responsible for pension administration. The Pensions Regulator, represented by solicitor Natasha Jones, maintained that the notices were properly issued to the company's registered address.
Tribunal's Findings
Judge Maton, presiding over the case, found that the notices were properly served to the company's registered address at the time, as required by law. The Tribunal concluded that the company did not provide sufficient evidence to rebut the presumption of service.
Reasonable Excuse Argument
The Tribunal considered whether the company's failure to update its registered address or the delegation of duties to accountants constituted a reasonable excuse for non-compliance. It found that these factors did not absolve the company of its responsibilities under the Pensions Act.
The Tribunal dismissed the appeal, upholding the penalties imposed by The Pensions Regulator. The decision underscored the importance of employers ensuring compliance with statutory duties and maintaining accurate registered office details.
Implications for Employers
This ruling serves as a critical reminder for employers about the importance of adhering to auto-enrolment obligations and the potential financial consequences of non-compliance. Employers must ensure that their registered office addresses are current and that they actively manage their pension duties.
Learn More
For more information on employer compliance with pension duties, see BeCivil's guide to UK Employment Law.
Read the Guide