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Broadfield a new international mid-market firm launched

Broadfield a new international mid-market firm launched


BDB Pitmans and Alvarez & Marsal Legal Services plan to launch Broadfield, focusing on mid-market private capital and corporate clients

In a significant move for the legal sector, Alvarez & Marsal Legal Services (AMLS) and BDB Pitmans have announced a Letter of Intent to establish Broadfield, a new international law firm targeting mid-market private capital and corporate clients. This strategic initiative aims to create a leading full-service firm by expanding rapidly through talent and firm acquisitions in the UK, US, and eventually continental Europe.

Broadfield, which will be founded with BDB Pitmans as its cornerstone, will integrate firms and teams sharing entrepreneurial spirit and common goals to address the evolving challenges in the legal sector. The new firm will benefit from economies of scale, advanced technology, and a collaborative approach to cross-border legal work, while maintaining local governance and financial autonomy for each firm involved.

Once established, Broadfield will leverage AMLS’s expertise for management services, including technology, back-office functions, strategic growth initiatives, and investment capital procurement. AMLS will also explore potential partnerships with Broadfield in specific service areas to enhance client offerings.

Peter Sacripanti, Global Head of AMLS, emphasised the firm’s strategic vision: “Mid-market law firms typically operate within domestic limits, facing mounting competition and technological investment pressures. Broadfield will combine scale, efficiency, and advanced technology to deliver superior services and drive growth. Our goal is to help build a major international law firm that stands out in the market.”

Christopher Price, Managing Director and EMEA Head of AMLS, highlighted BDB Pitmans’ strong market position: “BDB Pitmans is renowned for its track record and particularly its infrastructure team. With new UK Government planning reforms on the horizon, their expertise will be crucial. We’re excited about BDB Pitmans leading Broadfield and are engaging with other potential partners.”

John Hutchinson, Managing Partner of BDB Pitmans, articulated the firm's vision for Broadfield: “Large law firms are pricing themselves out of valuable work, while mid-market firms struggle with structural challenges. Broadfield addresses this gap, combining our heritage with a cutting-edge operational model to deliver high-quality, client-focused services.”

The formation of Broadfield represents a bold step towards redefining the mid-market legal landscape, promising an innovative approach to meeting client needs with a fresh operational paradigm.