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Be part of Pro Bono Week 2023!

Be part of Pro Bono Week 2023!


Pro Bono Week takes place across the UK this year from 6 to 10 November Through events and comms it is an opportunity to recognise, showcase and discuss the voluntary contribution of the legal profession in giving free legal help to those in need.

A variety of events will take place across the UK. We welcome you to join your nearest event and be part of the conversation, including our hybrid Launch Event with Attorney General the Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP taking place on Monday 6th November at 6pm, register at

More events are added all the time to the calendar at

Share content on social media

Pro Bono Week is a perfect time to post on social media or your website about your commitment to pro bono, or to thank your volunteers, or to showcase a particular pro bono lawyer or project. #ProBonoWeek

For a toolkit & resources such as #IDoProBono posters visit

Sign up to do pro bono

A rolling pin and a yellow sign  Description automatically generatedFor lawyers or organisations not yet involved in a pro bono scheme, Pro Bono Week is an opportunity to sign up, see


And finally, raise dough!

Get baking with the Great Legal Bake and raise money for local advice charities