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Barrister Lewis Robert Tresman disbarred

Barrister Lewis Robert Tresman disbarred


Barrister Lewis Robert Tresman has been ordered to be disbarred by an independent disciplinary tribunal after findings of serious professional misconduct

The tribunal, concluding on February 19, 2024, determined that Tresman knowingly allowed his chambers to invoice professional fees with added VAT despite being unregistered for VAT, resulting in a significant financial gain through dishonest means. The tribunal unanimously agreed on disbarment, emphasising the incompatibility of such conduct with the high standards expected of the Bar

Barrister Lewis Robert Tresman faces disbarment following a disciplinary tribunal's conclusion on February 19, 2024. The independent tribunal, responding to charges brought by the Bar Standards Board (BSB), found Tresman guilty of serious professional misconduct.

The charges stem from Tresman's actions between January 6, 2014, and February 23, 2023. During this period, he knowingly allowed his chambers to invoice professional fees with added Value Added Tax (VAT) despite being unregistered for VAT at the time. The tribunal heard that this dishonest practice led to the inappropriate receipt of approximately £150,000 from the Legal Aid Agency and around £18,000 from private clients. Notably, this conduct continued over a period of 15 years.

The tribunal deemed the nature of the dishonesty as very serious, involving obtaining money payable to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) rather than to Tresman himself. Consequently, the tribunal unanimously agreed that the appropriate sanction was disbarment. They concluded that Tresman's behaviour was likely to diminish the trust and confidence the public places in him or the legal profession. Additionally, his actions were deemed dishonest and discreditable to a barrister.

As a result of the disbarment, the tribunal ordered the BSB to suspend Tresman's practising certificate immediately. A BSB spokesperson commented on the order, stating that Tresman had financially benefited through dishonest means, and the tribunal's decision rightly reflects the incompatibility of such conduct with the high standards expected of the Bar.

The tribunal's decision is open to appeal.

Lewis Robert Tresman was called to the Bar by Gray's Inn on November 25, 1980.