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Attorney General Victoria Prentis engages with legal community and students in Cambridge visit

Attorney General Victoria Prentis engages with legal community and students in Cambridge visit


Attorney General Victoria Prentis KC MP visits Cambridge, discussing legal opportunities with barristers, and inspiring students at the University Law Society

In a recent visit to the legal heart of Cambridge, Attorney General Victoria Prentis KC MP engaged with barristers from the South Eastern circuit and students from the Cambridge University Law Society. The visit, published on March 6, 2024, saw discussions on regional legal priorities and career possibilities within the Government Legal Department.

During her visit, Victoria Prentis met with local lawyers at Cambridge's Fenners Chambers to discuss the burgeoning opportunities in the region. The dialogue centred around the priorities for the Bar and the broader legal landscape, emphasising the growing scope for legal professionals outside London.

Reflecting on her visit, Attorney General Victoria Prentis expressed pleasure at continuing the dialogue with those on the front lines of the justice system. Having travelled extensively as part of a law-focused tour the previous year, she acknowledged the significance of engaging with legal professionals across the country.

Victoria Prentis highlighted one of her priorities: emphasising the Government Legal Department's expansion beyond London, making opportunities for high-profile government work accessible across the UK.

The Attorney General also addressed students at the Cambridge University Law Society, where she discussed career possibilities within the Government Legal Department. Accompanied by Government lawyer Rameen Naylor-Ghobadian, the discussion covered both legal and political topics, offering valuable insights into the challenges faced by the Government Legal Department in the contemporary world.

Vivek Bilous, President of the Cambridge University Law Society, expressed gratitude for the insightful speech and discussions with the Attorney General. The collaboration provided students with a deeper understanding of key legal and political issues, showcasing the dilemmas faced by the Government Legal Department.

The event was made possible by the collaboration with the Cambridge Faculty of Law, and special thanks were extended to Speakers Secretaries Judy Ma and Shiva Saravanan for their contributions to organising this successful engagement with the legal community and students. The Attorney General's visit not only fostered meaningful discussions but also contributed to strengthening the connection between legal professionals and aspiring students in Cambridge.