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Association of Costs Lawyers accepts the Civil Justice Council's costs review

Association of Costs Lawyers accepts the Civil Justice Council's costs review


A recent report conducted by the association concluded that hourly rates needed updating

David Bailey-Vella, vice-chair of the Association of Costs Lawyers, responding to today’s announcement by the Master of the Rolls that he was accepting all of the recommendations of the Civil Justice Council’s costs review.

“The CJC report offers a sensible route to build on the gains achieved by costs budgeting over the past decade. Our research has constantly shown that many solicitors remain reluctant to engage in it but making it a more tailored and proportionate process should win them over. It is undoubtedly in the interests of clients.

“A survey we conducted last month found that 70% of members said the guideline hourly rates set in 2021 already needed updating, so it will be a great relief to the profession that this will happen in six weeks’ time.

“The review of the costs provisions of the Solicitors Act 1974 is long overdue and will hopefully result in a far more efficient process for resolving costs disputes.

“Costs lawyers have worked hard to make budgeting a success and these changes will put our skills central to the efforts to improve the process of determining costs.”