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Jean-Yves Gilg

Editor, Solicitors Journal

Associate Announcement: Moneypenny's PI calls more than double in 12 months

Associate Announcement: Moneypenny's PI calls more than double in 12 months


By Moneypenny

Personal injury calls to telephone answering specialist Moneypenny's legal receptionists have more than doubled over the past 12 months.

The increase comes on the back of a sharp rise in the numbers of PI specialists, as well as multi-skilled firms providing a PI service, who are seeking call handling support.

Moneypenny's legal commercial manager, Bernadette Bennett, said, "We have been seeing a remarkable rise in PI calls over the past couple of years. In 2014 we took five times more than we did in 2013 and this year again it is a fast growth area."

"Many firms struggle with the sheer volume of calls they receive; most noticeably at peak times, and just don't have the in-house capacity to deal with every enquiry, particularly when they can be detailed exchanges," he added.

"It's important also not to be tying up fee earners in answering the phone and many firms welcome our ability to assist with the 'triage' process in the early pre-qualifying stage for new callers. We work with firms to either manage all of their calls on a fully outsourced basis or work alongside in-house teams to take any overflow they are struggling to get to.

Bennett pointed out that the company's staff is always ready to respond to clients' needs in precision, no matter the time of the call.

"Our receptionists are specially trained to have the skill set required to deal with PI calls, recognising the needs of the caller; who may be upset or anxious, while expertly asking the right questions to move the call forward quickly and efficiently.

"With the help of our Moneypenny Receptionists based in New Zealand, who answer UK overnight calls wide awake during their daytime, we are also providing firms with the consistency of support they need to win business 24/7, which is especially important now that more and more callers get in touch out of traditional working hours."

Endorsed by the Law Society, the legal sector continues to account for the largest share of Moneypenny's overall call volume, with more than 950 law firms of all shapes and sizes seeking telephone answering support. In the first quarter of 2015 alone, Moneypenny Receptionists handled more than half a million legal calls.