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Clinical negligence


A NICE guide

A NICE guide

A ruling lays bare the problem of inconsistent NICE guidelines and the illogicality they can create, as Jock Mackenzie explains
A Matter of Duty

A Matter of Duty

Dr Jock Mackenzie highlights key clinical negligence cases from the past year
Covert operations

Covert operations

Has the admissibility of covert digital recordings tipped the balance in favour of the claimant? Nicola Laver reports
The assumption of a duty of care

The assumption of a duty of care

A public authority can assume responsibility towards someone by inference from its conduct towards them, as Laurence Toczek explains following the Supreme Court's re-evaluation of the Caparo test
One day, a whisper

One day, a whisper

A diminishing number of clinical negligence lawyers can mount an effective claim today compared to 30 years ago, as Richard Barr illustrates