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Rebecca Ward

Rebecca Ward

CEO, Rebecca Ward Consulting

Management Consultant with MBA (Master Business Administration). Master Management (Major: Strategy). Qualified in Psychology, Counselling, and Pharmacology (Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics). International Publications Pressure, Performance, and Stress: A Perfect Storm. Solicitors Journal, In partnership with the International In-house Counsel Journal. Rebecca Ward MBA and Rick Green KC. 10 Dec 20221 Lawyers and Alcohol. Solicitors Journal, In partnership with the International In-house Counsel Journal. Rebecca Ward MBA and Rick Green KC. 28 Nov 20222 Quantification Not Qualification of Cluster B Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic. Rebecca Ward MBA. August 20223 Nietzsche's Nihilistic Abyss: A Conversation on Ethical Nihilism. Conference Paper. Rebecca Ward MBA. November 20214 Narcissism - We Are All Narcissists. Rebecca Ward MBA, and Prof John Croucher, OAM. April 20215 The Financial Impact of Effective Communication at the C-suite. Rebecca Ward MBA. January 20166 1 2 3 ntisocial_borderline_histrionic_and_narcissistic_personality_disorder 4's_Nihilistic_Abyss_-_a_conversation_on_ethical_nihilism 5 6


Lawyers and alcohol
Solicitors Journal

Lawyers and alcohol

Psychotherapist Rebecca Ward and barrister Rick Green consider the hard truths of drinking and the legal profession