Dark web monitoring and the unseen strategic advantage for firmsKen Dulieu and Gareth Dalton navigate the numerous advantages and considerations for dark web monitoring
Responses to fraud and recovering lossesKen Dulieu explores some of the more common actions taken against perpetrators of occupational fraud
Occupational fraud: insight into the perpetratorsKen Dulieu examines how employees' positions, tenure length and behaviour may explain patterns in occupational fraud
Insights into occupational fraudKen Dulieu gives an important overview of the types of occupational fraud and how to spot them
Fraud detection: an insight into methodsKen Dulieu explores the most common methods to counter occupational fraud
Risk in plain sight: occupational fraudKen Dulieu examines businesses' response to fraud and recovering losses
Fraud can destroy even the most robust businessKen Dulieu assesses the practical impact on businesses of illicit actions by errant directors