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Vanessa Ugatti

Vanessa Ugatti

Founder, The True Worth Expert

Vanessa Ugatti is the True Worth Expert, keynote speaker, transformational trainer and coach and author of Amazon Best Seller, ‘How to Get Paid Your True Worth’ She helps law firms to get paid their true worth consistently and unapologetically while keeping their clients happy, by uncovering and eliminating those behaviours which cause a financial loss and stress. Her approach is all about psychology, mind-set, confidence and valuing oneself, which is very different from and yet complementary to those who are talking about pricing strategies, pricing models and processes. Result: Confidence up = Billing up, recovery rates up, a financially healthier firm and happier lawyers. So, the benefits of her work are not just financial, as they also positively impact on wellbeing. Her unique True Worth methodology has been honed over an 11-year period and was born out of her own painful journey from utterly clueless at charging to confident, calm, and collected. This means that she is perfectly placed to help others do the same.


Because you're worth it
Solicitors Journal

Because you're worth it

Vanessa Ugatti offers a simple formula to ensure lawyers are paid their worth in challenging times