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Look before you sign on the line

Look before you sign on the line

If you sign cheques make sure that you limit the number of signatories . In a recent fraud investigation, a long serving accounts clerk used seven different signatories to sign petty cash cheques on a rotational basis.
Topping up the piggy

Topping up the piggy

Unless we can predict our death, corporate pension provision remains the best option for employers and employees, says Robin Ellison
Civil litigation brief

Civil litigation brief

This month Gordon Exall takes a detailed look at the rules relating to amending parties after the expiry of the limitation period
Update: landlord and tenant

Update: landlord and tenant

Milton McIntosh examines services charges, repairs, assignment, break options and business tenancies
Blow down a storm of protest

Blow down a storm of protest

So-called 'green' energy generation methods, such as wind power may in turn create its own form of pollution. Andy McKenzie explains