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ACSO comments on the CRU claims data

ACSO comments on the CRU claims data


Matthew Maxwell Scott, executive director of the Association of Consumer Support Organisations (ACSO), recently commented on the latest data from the government’s Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) for the first quarter of 2024

Maxwell Scott noted that while there has been a slight reduction in motor claims compared to the same period last year, there has been an upward trend in clinical negligence and public liability claims. He attributed the increase in clinical negligence claims to heightened pressures in the NHS, potentially exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Similarly, the rise in public liability claims may reflect a return to normalcy following the pandemic.

Despite these shifts, Maxwell Scott emphasised that overall claim numbers remain relatively low by historical standards. He cautioned against imposing further restrictions on injured consumers' rights, advocating for the protection of their access to compensation.

The latest data, obtained through a Freedom of Information request by ACSO, precedes a forthcoming full review of the Civil Liability Act by the Ministry of Justice in May, three years after its implementation. Additionally, the government is expected to respond to the recent whiplash tariff review by the end of May. Anticipations suggest an inflationary increase in the tariff of more than 20 percent, aligning with recent adjustments in the Judicial College Guidelines.

Meanwhile, the most recent ABI Motor Insurance Premium Tracker revealed a significant uptick in average prices, with premiums rising by 25 percent over the past 12 months.

Maxwell Scott's comments underscore the evolving landscape of compensation claims and the need for balanced policy responses to address shifting trends while safeguarding consumer rights. As regulatory reviews and responses unfold, stakeholders will continue to monitor developments closely to ensure fair and equitable outcomes for all parties involved.